Tuesday, 19 July 2011

code for redirect with "www" and "without www"

The .htaccess Code

copyRewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^domain.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domain.com/$1 [L,R=301]

Conversely, if you'd prefer to use "www" in all of your URLs, you can code:
copyRewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.domain.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [L,R=301]

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Top Social Bookmarking Website

Social Bookmarking site
1  www.twitter.com
         2  www.digg.com
3  www.stumbleupon.com
4 www.reddit.com
5  www.delicious.com
6  www.tweetmeme.com
8  www.fark.com
9  www.slash.com
10  www.friendfeed.com
11 www.clipmarks.com
12  www.newsvine.com
13  www.diigo.com
14  www.ycombinator.com
15  www.blinklist.com

Monday, 4 July 2011

Top Articles sites...


1 www.101Articles.com 128 www.Chinamaze.com
2 www.1ArticleWorld.com 129 www.ChristianNotepad.com
3 www.1st-in-Articles.com 130 www.ClearViewPublications.com
4 www.365Articles.com 131 www.ConnectionTeam.com
5 www.A1Articles.com 132 www.Constant-Content.com
6 www.AardvarkArticles.net 133 www.Content-Articles.com
7 www.AccessibleInsights.com 134 www.Content-Corral.com
8 www.AcmeArticles.com 135 www.Content-Edge.com
9 www.ActiveArticles.com 136 www.CreateOnlineBusiness.com
10 www.Add-Articles.com 137 www.CyberIndian.com
11 www.AdvisorArticles.com 138 www.Digital-Women.com
12 www.AfroArticles.com 139 www.Dime-Co.com
13 www.AllEntrepreneurInfo.com 140 www.DogNewsCenter.com
14 www.AllFreelanceWork.com 141 www.EasyArticles.com
15 www.AlliedArticles.com 142 www.EBusiness-Articles.com
16 www.AllMerchants.com 143 www.E-Calc.net
17 www.AllTheWebsites.org 144 www.Eclipse-Articles.com
18 www.AllWomenCentral.com 145 www.EhealthArticle.com
19 www.Alumbo.com 146 www.ExchangeNet.com
20 www.Amazines.com 147 www.EzineArticles.biz
21 www.ApprovedArticles.com 148 www.EzineArticles.com
22 www.ArchiveX-HT.com 149 www.Ezine-Writer.com.au
23 www.Article99.com 150 www.FactsVault.com
24 www.ArticleAlley.com 151 www.Financial-Authors.com
25 www.ArticleAvenue.com 152 www.FindMoreArticles.com
26 www.ArticleBar.com 153 www.FreeArticleHQ.com
27 www.ArticleBase.info 154 www.FreeArticles4Us.com
28 www.ArticleBeach.com 155 www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
29 www.ArticleBin.com 156 www.FreeForAllArticles.com
30 www.ArticleBlender.com 157 www.FreeSticky.com
31 www.ArticleBliss.com 158 www.GoArticle.net
32 www.ArticleCentral.com 159 www.GoArticles.com
33 www.ArticleCircle.com 160 www.GreatArticles.co.uk
34 www.ArticleCity.com 161 www.HamaZines.com
35 www.ArticleClone.com 162 www.HerCommunity.com
36 www.Article-Content-King.com 163 www.HighProfileArticles.com
37 www.ArticleCopy.com 164 www.Home-Business-Directory.com
38 www.ArticleCounty.com 165 www.HotArticles.net
39 www.ArticleCube.com 166 www.HowItWorks.net
40 www.ArticleDashboard.com 167 www.HowToAdvice.com
41 www.Article-Directory.net 168 www.HowToWinTheMoneyGame.com
42 www.Article-Domain.com 169 www.HTTPArticles.com
43 www.ArticleFair.com 170 www.Huginc.com
44 www.ArticleFeeder.com 171 www.IBizResources.com
45 www.ArticleFever.com 172 www.IdeaMarketers.com
46 www.ArticleFinders.com 173 www.ImpactArticles.com
47 www.ArticleFrenzy.com 174 www.InternetArticleDirectory.com
48 www.ArticleGarden.com 175 www.InternetHomeBusinessArticles.com
49 www.ArticleGeek.com 176 www.IsNare.com
50 www.Article-Hangout.com 177 www.Jogena.com
51 www.ArticleHub.com 178 www.KlienWachter.com
52 www.ArticleIntelligence.com 179 www.KnowHow-Now.com
53 www.ArticleInterchange.com 180 www.Kokkada.com
54 www.ArticleJoe.com 181 www.LinkGeneral.com
55 www.ArticleLocker.com 182 www.LinkGrinder.com
56 www.ArticleLove.com 183 www.LinkSnoop.com
57 www.ArticleManiac.com 184 www.LiveArticleDirectory.com
58 www.Article-Marketer.com 185 www.LoanArticles.co.uk
59 www.ArticleMatrix.Com 186 www.Look-4It.com
60 www.ArticleNetworks.com 187 www.LydiasArticles.com
61 www.ArticleNews.us 188 www.MailBiz.com
62 www.ArticleNexus.com 189 www.MainstreetMom.com
63 www.ArticleObsession.com 190 www.Marcommwise.com
64 www.ArticleOnlineDirectory.com 191 www.Marketing-Seek.com
65 www.ArticlePeak.com 192 www.MarketingSource.com
66 www.ArticlePoint.com 193 www.MarketingTroll.co.uk
67 www.ArticlePros.com 194 www.Media13.com
68 www.Articler.com 195 www.MisterArticle.com
69 www.Articles.com.my 196 www.MorganArticleArchive.com
70 www.Articles.SimplySearch4It.com 197 www.My-Articles.com
71 www.Articles.UseWho.com 198 www.MyFamilyLiving.com
72 www.Articles411.com 199 www.MyFreeArticleCentral.com
73 www.ArticlesAndAuthors.com 200 www.NeoArticle.com
74 www.ArticlesBase.com 201 www.NewFreeArticles.com
75 www.ArticlesBeyondBetter.com 202 www.News-Money.com
76 www.ArticlesBridge.com 203 www.Niche-Content-Articles.com
77 www.Articles-Central.info 204 www.One-Sublime-Directory.com
78 www.ArticleseArchnet.com 205 www.Personal-Finance-HQ.com
79 www.ArticlesEngine.com 206 www.PostArticles.com
80 www.ArticleSet.com 207 www.PowerHomeBiz.com
81 www.ArticlesExpress.com 208 www.PressArticle.com
82 www.ArticlesFactory.com 209 www.ProContentSite.com
83 www.ArticlesHaven.com 210 www.PromoteNewz.com
84 www.ArticlesHow.com 211 www.PromotionWorld.com
85 www.Articles-Hub.com 212 www.PurplePages.ie
86 www.ArticlesMagazine.com 213 www.Real-Estate-Article-Directory.com
87 www.ArticlesNatch.com 214 www.RectoNet.com
88 www.ArticlesNetwork.com 215 www.ReprintArticles.com
89 www.Articles-Online.biz 216 www.ReprintedArticles.com
90 www.ArticlesOnline.org 217 www.RightBiz.com
91 www.ArticleSphere.com 218 www.RlRouse.com
92 www.ArticlesRepository.com 219 www.SaveArticles.com
93 www.ArticleStreet.com 220 www.SearchWarp.com
94 www.ArticleTeller.com 221 www.SelfGrowth.com
95 www.ArticleToGo.com 222 www.SelfSEO.com
96 www.ArticleTrader.com 223 www.Site-Reference.com
97 www.Article-Treasure.com 224 www.SmallBizArticles.com
98 www.ArticleVenue.com 225 www.SmallBusinessOutpost.com
99 www.ArticleWarehouse.com 226 www.SmartAds.info
100 www.ArticleWay.com 227 www.SmashArticles.com
101 www.ArticleWheel.com 228 www.SuperPublisher.com
102 www.ArticleWiz.com 229 www.SuperZines.com
103 www.ArticleWorld.net 230 www.TheAllINeed.com
104 www.ArticleWow.com 231 www.TheArticleLibrary.com
105 www.ArticleZilla.com 232 www.TheManager.org
106 www.ArtSymmetry.com 233 www.ThriftyFun.com
107 www.AuthorConnection.com 234 www.TNTArticles.com
108 www.BestInfoBay.com 235 www.Top7Business.com
109 www.BestNicheArticles.com 236 www.TopicPlanet.com
110 www.Bharatbhasha.com 237 www.UltimateArticleDirectory.com
111 www.BigArticle.com 238 www.UnitedArticles.com
112 www.BigArticleDirectory.com 239 www.UniTerra.com
113 www.BigArticles.com 240 www.UPublish.info
114 www.Biz-eWomen.com 241 www.USWebPros.com
115 www.Biz-Whiz.com 242 www.ValuableContent.com
116 www.BlogWidow.com 243 www.WebArticles.com
117 www.BocOnline.com 244 www.WebmastersLibrary.com
118 www.Bpubs.com 245 www.WebsiteFuel.com
119 www.BusinessArticleDepot.com 246 www.Web-Source.net
120 www.BusinessClique.com 247 www.WeeklyTips.com
121 www.BusinessKnowHow.com 248 www.WisdomExtract.com
122 www.BusinessKnowledgeSource.com 249 www.WomensArticles.com
123 www.BusinessNation.com 250 www.WorkAtHomeArticles.net
124 www.BusinessToolchest.com 251 www.Work-At-Home-Jobs-Iowa.com
125 www.Buzzle.com 252 www.WorkOnInternet.com
126 www.Certificate.net 253 www.WorthyArticles.com
127 www.Changingearth.org 254 www.Zinos.com

Sunday, 3 July 2011

25 Ways to Promote Your Website or Blog

I have hand picked all of these resources based on their usefulness, rate of success and overall quality. I have written this article to help people find new sources of traffic for their website or blog and to shed some light on some of the best resources related to each method of promotion. I hope you find this article informative and useful! Enjoy!

1. Article Directories
Article directories are a wonderful way to get traffic and backlinks to your website. There are many well established article directories that have been proven to get websites traffic. People search for articles in different categories and after reading the article they usually follow a link at the bottom of the article to your website.
2. Business Directories
Posting in business directories is still an effective way to get backlinks and small amounts of traffic. Most directory sites have many listings that are organized into. Being that there are so many business directories, the best way to find one related to your site would be to do a Google search or to use the websites below to find them.
3. Classifieds
Classifieds are a common way to easily make posts for free, and reach large amounts of people. They tend to work better for business or service-based websites, but you can also drive traffic to other types of sites as well
4. Forums
Forums are another good way to get backlinks and traffic, but you need to contribute to the forums and not just spam them with your links. I recommend becoming an active member of forums that are related to your site, as well as including your website link in your forum signature. By making intelligent and informative posts people will be inclined to check out the link in your signature because you’ve built interest about yourself.
The best way to do this is to manually search for forums related to your site and then sign up to start posting.
5. Social Networking Sites
Social networking sites are often overlooked as a way to market a website or blog. Having lots of friends and access to groups can be a good way to contact a lot of people in an easy and efficient manner. Most social networking sites also have forums and classifieds that you can post in.
6. Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking sites can be an amazing way to promote your website. What a lot of people will do is write a killer article and then submit it to the social bookmarking sites to drive traffic to that article, hoping it will get bookmarked a lot.
7. Search Engines
This is probably one of the most difficult ways to market a site, but also one of the most popular ways due to the fact that the traffic you get can be extremely targeted to exactly what your site offers. This is especially important for sites that sell a product and are looking for a high conversion rate. It is usually better to start off targeting niche markets and low competition long tail keywords. Ranking well on Google for a phrase like ‘graphic design’ in the search engines would be extremely difficult to do, so look for longer keywords or more detailed ones.
8. Word of Mouth
This is a very basic and old school way of marketing but it has remained because it really is effective. All you have to do is tell all your family, friends and co-workers about your new site or blog and let them do the work! Be sure to have business cards on hand to give out to anyone you speak with.
9. Pay per Click Advertising (PPC)
PPC advertising takes a lot of studying to do right, and can cost a decent amount of money, but if your site is well designed and converts well, or you are just looking for traffic, it can be a very powerful marketing tool when done right.
10. Banner Advertising
The difficulty in banner advertising is simply creating a very alluring banner design in the amount of space specified. Some sites don’t let you create animated banners, but if you have a very intriguing static banner on a good site it can get you traffic for sure.
The best way to do this is to manually search for websites and blogs related to your site and contact them for a banner exchange.
11. Text Link Advertising
Text link advertising is usually cheap and can bring in lots of traffic, but the traffic tends to be rather unspecific – which is ok sometimes. I find it best to look for sites related to your website to buy text links spots on. Or, if you are just looking for tons of traffic, you can go to major text link sites that offer spots on very large websites.
12. Print Advertising
Print advertising can be very expensive, but is especially useful when advertising in a specific location. For example, if you are opening a new restaurant in a city, sending out flyers is a surefire way to get people to your website and restaurant. You could also drop off business cards or flyers at local stores and start offering your services to local people.
13. Portfolio Sites
There are many websites that host portfolios of designers and artists. By submitting your work to their sites you will often get a lot of exposure to your own site by way of a link.

14. Tutorial Sites
Submitting tutorials is a great way to get traffic to your website via a link. A lot of designers submit tutorials to sites like the ones below, and get a lot of exposure. Most of these tutorials sites are very well ranked so getting a link on them can be very good for your website or blog.
15. Link Baiting
Linking baiting is when you write or post something that has the potential to be blogged about, linked or bookmarked a lot. Good content in general will help your website or blog out a lot, but you can step it up a notch by producing videos or articles specifically for link baiting.
16. Contests
People love entering contest, especially if there is a desirable prize. Contest prizes range in types. Some sites will offer you exposure and links and other sites will offer money or actual physical prizes. The key to a successful contest is obviously getting lots of people to enter, so make sure you promote your contest as much as you can on forums, classifieds and more. Also, don’t be afraid to enter contests for a chance to win some money or prizes, yourself!
17. Link Exchanges
This is arguably one of the most important ways to rank well for keywords and bring traffic to your website. It is important to exchange links or get one-way links from relevant sites. Make sure you are using an important keyword because your links anchor text and not a word like ‘click here’ or something you don’t want to rank well for in search engines.
The best way to do this is to manually search for websites and blogs related to your site and contact them for a link exchange. Also, check out the two sites below.
18. Email Marketing
Email marketing can be very beneficial if done well. You do not want to be a spammer or buy lists of emails, though. The way to work email marketing is to have an opt-in email form on your website where users can sign up to receive emails and special offers. Offering a free e-book or tips is a good way to get people to sign up. Once they are signed up you can send emails once in a while to bring them back to your site or to promote something.
19. Viral Marketing
This is the hottest new way to market a website, but it is not easy! You have probably heard about all these YouTube videos getting millions of views, and articles on Digg getting thousands of hits. If you can think up a really clever, funny or useful idea and tie it into your website via a link or some other way, you can drive incredible amounts of traffic to your site with very little money or possibly none at all.
20. Videos
Creating videos has become very popular since the creation of YouTube and other video-based sites. This ties into viral marketing and is a good way to get people interested in your blog or website. It is most common to show or say the URL of your website at the beginning and/or end of a video, or tie it into your video site profile some how.
21. Podcasting
This is basically creating audio files and then letting your users download or stream them via a link on your website or blog or via RSS feeds. This is a good alternative to creating videos if you don’t have a video camera or don’t like being on film. I have seen many sites successfully offer audio downloads as a way of bringing users a large amount of information quickly. You can even post on craigslist.com and hire voice over talent for your podcasts at affordable prices.
22. Blogs
Blogs are a great way to reach a lot of people in a fast manner. They take a lot of work, and to make a blog really effective they need to be updated with fresh content at least several times a week. A lot of websites will have a blog in addition to a main website as a sort of news system for their main site, or just as a way to drive traffic to a website.
23. eBooks
eBooks have become very popular and they tend to spread well in downloading communities. You can even sell your eBook on eBay, via a website or just offer it as a gift to get people to sign up for your newsletter.
24. Press Releases
Press releases can be an efficient way to get media attention if your website or product is newsworthy enough. There are several websites you can do this on. However, more commonly press releases are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, and/or television networks.
25. Networking
Networking can have many benefits to promoting your site. I am always adding people on instant messaging services and talking to people related to my field. By networking and making friends in the business you can learn from each other and help each other which will benefit your site.
The best way to do this is to meet people in forums or on sites related to yours and chat via instant messengers. I usually run 5 different instant messengers that are all filled with business contacts and friends.
26. Conclusion
I hope this article helped you narrow down the best methods of promotion for your website or blog and we plan on doing more in depth reviews of these resources at www.youthedesigner.com so be sure to check back often for new tips on design and website promotion.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Best SEO And Internet Marketing Tools

Complete List of Best SEO And Internet Marketing Tools

For SEO & analyzing plans for your website marketing you will need some SEO tools like backlink checker, page rank tools ,link popularity ones. These are some will ca help you a lot in the process.

Google Rankings- Check the ranking of a web page in Google™ A free search engine optimization tool.

Prsearch- Shows you Google ranked position, number of pages indexed and Google Dir status.

Adsense Calculator- The AdSense Calculator helps Google AdSense affiliates understand what affects their earnings by letting them experiment with values.

Multi Page Rank Checker- With the Multi PageRank Check you can check the Page Rank from different google data centers.

Check Google Pagerank- Now you can check the Google Page Rank of any web page without installing the Google toolbar ! Its free and easy - just enter your URL below and press the button.

Search Engine Position- Check your search engine positions on Google Search Engine.

Google Position Tool- Check your position in the google search results with this simple tool.

Visual PageRank Overlay- The visual PageRank overlay shows all links of a website and the corresponding PageRanks of the linked pages.

Page Rank Tool- The heart of Google search algorithm is PageRank, a system for ranking web pages. Though engineers at Googleplex are working hard to improve every aspect of Google on a daily basis, PageRank continues to provide the basis for all of their web search tools.

Page Rank Check- With the Page Rank check you can verify the Page Rank for up to 5 different URLs simultaneously.

Google PageRank Prediction- This predictor tool does what it says, it predicts your future Google PageRank.

SEO Meter- How often search engine visits and crawls website content is an often neglected, but important metric for search engine optimization.

Sitemap Generators

Official Google Sitemap Generator- The Google Sitemap Generator is a Python script that creates a Sitemap for your site using the Sitemap Protocol. This script can create Sitemaps from URL lists, web server directories, or from access logs.

XML-Sitemaps- Create your sitemap with no work at all.

Google Sitemap Generator and Editor- Generates sitemaps with just one URL.

Sitemap Generator Plugin for Wordpress- This plugin creates a sitemap for your WordPress powered site. This is not just another XML sitemap plugin, but rather a true sitemap generator which is highly customizable from its own options page in the WordPress admin panel.

Alexa Tools

Alexa Ranking Tool- Alexa is a very powerful tool used to rank web site traffic. Find out how your web site traffic stacks up against all your competitors! This is one of the most accurate freely available tools to find out how well your site ranks up against millions of other sites on the Web.

Alexa Sparky- Get Alexa data in your statusbar!

Alexa web rank checker- Check your website’s Alexa Web Rank without the toolbar. Alexa Rank Checker also displays your Incoming Links and Reach Rank.

Alexa rank comparison tool- This tool displays a graph from Alexa comparing up to 10 sites.


Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer- This tools help you determine the back links of your website and link text used by your backlinks to Link to your wesbite.

Backlink Watch- Type URL of your website to get complete detailed information about quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your website.

Backlink Checker- Find backlinks linking to a website and their URL information

Backlinks Analyzer tool- Using a regular back link check (link:domain.com) is a useful tool to find what sites are linking to you, but there are many other Important factors that go into the pagerank formula.

Keyword Analysis & Keyword Suggestions

Keyword Density Checker- Visual depiction of keywords used on a website, keywords having higer density are depicted in a larger fonts.
Ideally your main keywords should appear in larger fonts at the start of the cloud.

Keyword tool- Use the Keyword Tool to get new keyword ideas.

Free keyword suggestion tool- Enter a starting keyword to generate up to 100 related keywords and an estimate of their daily search volume.

Keyword popularity tool- This keyword suggestion tool will help you with the choosing of the right keywords for your website.

Keyword Density- The keyword density tool is useful for helping webmasters and SEOs achieve their optimum keyword density for a set of key terms.

Keyword Difficulty- The keyword difficulty tool is used to analyze the competitive landscape of a particular search term or phrase, this tool issues a percentage score and provides a detailed analysis of the top ranking sites at Google and Yahoo. In other words, this tool will help you determine how difficult it will be to rank for a particular term.

Related Keywords lookup tool- The goRank ontology lookup tool checks the top 1000 Google results for your keywords by running a related word query.

Website Keywords Suggestion- This tools tries to determine the theme of your website and provides keyword suggestions along with keyword traffic estimates.

Nichebot- Finding long tail keywords that are less competitive has never been easier. You’ll even locate hidden keywords most people never find by gaining access to multiple databases (keyword sources).

Keyword Suggestions for Google- The Keyword Suggestion tool for Google will help you choose relevant and popular terms related to your selected key term. Simply enter a key term and this tool will query information from several Google searches, which it will use to determine popular and re-occurring terms used by websites in the same industry.

Search Engine Keyword Tracker & Keyword Ranking ToolThis utility can be used to check search engines (currently supporting Google, Yahoo and MSN) for search engine ranking and track those ranking historically.

Position Checker for Search Engines and rankings

Search Results Analysis- With the keyword position analysis you can check on which position your domain is ranked for a given keyword and compare the first 100 results by Google, MSN and Yahoo.

Rankpulse- The RankPulse Index (RPI) provides an overall glimpse into the daily fluctuations of Google results.

Number of pages indexed- This tool will generate a report showing how many pages of your website has been indexed by the search engines so far. It supports all major search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alltheweb, Hotbot and AltaVista.

Google Vs Yahoo graph- This tool looks at the results from Yahoo and Google, finds the similarities and then gives you a graphical display of what results are in both search engines.

Spiderview- With the spiderview simulator you see all informations a search engine spider receive from a website.

Marketleap- Their verification tool checks to see if your site is in the top three pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword. It’s important to be in the top 3 pages of a search result because most people using search engines don’t go past the 3rd page.

Search Engine rankings- Search Engine Rankings offers instant, online reports of web site rankings in 8 top search engines and web directories, including Google, Yahoo! Search, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, Yahoo! Directory, and Open Directory (Dmoz)

Search Engine Analyzer- This service will search 10 search engines for specified keyword terms.

Meta tag generators & Robots.txt generators

Meta tags generator- Create your sites meta tags instantly to help achieve higher search engine ranking. Includes title tag, description, abstract, keyword, and robot meta tags.

Wired2000- Fast track creating your META tags with their advanced META tag generator.

Webmaster toolkit- Meta Tag Generator will read the page you specify, remove common words from it, and pick the most used words on the page. It will then generate a Meta Keywords tag using the words it has found. Extra weight will be given to words in a heading tag.

Addme- Meta Tags are not always required, but as a rule of thumb, it makes more sense to take advantage of them than to leave them out.

Robots.txt syntax checker- This robots.txt syntax checker checks the contents of a site’s robots.txt against that contained in the latest specification, along with providing warnings on the use of new features that are not yet widely deployed.

Mcanerin international- The robots.txt is a very simple text file that is placed on your root directory. An example would be www.yourdomain.com/robots.txt. This file tells search engine and other robots which areas of your site they are allowed to visit and index.

Yellow Pipe- This freeware utility will assist you in the creation of robots.txt files.

Link Popularity

Market leap- Link popularity check is one of the best ways to quantifiably and independently measure your website’s online awareness and overall visibility. Simply put, link popularity refers to the total number of links or “votes” that a search engine has found for your website.

Site link analyzer- This tool will analyze a given web page and return a table of data containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text. If a hyperlink is represented by an image, the image’s alt attribute will be included as the anchor text.

Webmaster toolkit- The Link Popularity Checker tells you how many websites are linking to yours.

Link analysis- The link analysis display all internal and external links of a website with the corresponding anchor texts in a summary table.

Link validation spider- Put your website or weblog home page URL in the input box and a little spider will read the html code and check for the broken links.

Link value calculator- The linkprice calculator reckon the link value per month of a entered website. This link value is calculated from many search engines important factors.

Reciprocal link checker- Reciprocal links have become one of the MOST popular methods of getting backlinks for your website.

Theme link reputation tool- Great tool for analyzing outbound links.


Some More

SEOQuake- Seoquake is a powerful tool for Mozilla Firefox and for Internet Explorer, aimed at helping web masters who deal with search engine optimization and internet promotion of web sites. Seoquake allows user to obtain and investigate many important SEO parameters of the internet project under study on the fly.

All in One SEO Pack- Optimizes your Wordpress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization).

Google XML Sitemaps- This plugin will create a Google sitemaps compliant XML-Sitemap of your WordPress blog. It supports all of the WordPress generated pages as well as custom ones. Everytime you edit or create a post, your sitemap is updated and all major search engines that support the sitemap protocol, like ASK.com, Google, MSN Search and YAHOO, are notified about the update.

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